
11 sexual assaults reported in mental health facilities last year

Jun 27, 2024 13:16 By Shannonside News
11 sexual assaults reported in mental health facilities last year
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42 incidents of sexual assault in mental health centres were registered last year nationally, making up 44% of all Serious Reportable Incidents last year.

11 incidents of sexual assault were reported in designated mental health centres last year.

The figures are contained in the latest report from the Mental Health Commission

The Commission breaks down the number of Serious Reportable Incidents that occurred in registered centres in 2023. These range from serious disability as the result of a fall, unexplained deaths, and assaults. CHO8, which covers Longford and Westmeath, reported 7 incidents of sexual assault, and 1 Environmental Event, which refers to a person suffering serious disability from a fall. The Roscommon-Galway area had 4 sexual assaults reported, and 3 environmental events. One incident of a person suffering serious disability from a fall was reported in the Sligo-Leitrim area of CHO1.


42 incidents of sexual assault in mental health centres were registered last year nationally, making up 44% of all Serious Reportable Incidents last year.

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