
Belarus man living in Leitrim hopes to return home to oppose Russian expansion

Feb 25, 2022 18:04 By Shannonside News
Belarus man living in Leitrim hopes to return home to oppose Russian expansion
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The Russian invasions began earlier this week into Ukraine.

A Belarus national living in Leitrim says he intends to return to his native country to try to help campaign against dictatorship.

Ilya Linifch who's from eastern Belarus near the Russian border says he believes his country has been used as a tool to help in the invasion of Ukraine.

He says part of the reason he came to Ireland several months ago is because he took part in a protest against the presidential election there.


Ilya says he feels privileged to have been able to come to Ireland and see that life can be different.

He says he's inspired by the fact that young people have been on the streets in Belarus and Ukraine protesting this week, and he feels it's his duty to be part of it…

“I plan to go back in April. because I feel obliged as my civic duty something, to at least try.


They were inspiring photos yesterday, as a lot of people were against war and a lot of people are protesting now. They were 2,000 people detained last night by Russian police.

It inspires me that they are people willing to go on the streets and want to be part of this movement.”

You can hear his full interview here:


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