
Castlerea to host plebiscite next month to rename local streets

Mar 14, 2022 14:36 By Shannonside News
Castlerea to host plebiscite next month to rename local streets
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Locals would have received information recently about the proposed changes.

A plebiscite is to be held in Castlerea next month to rename some streets in the Knockroe area of the town.

Residents who are eligible to vote in this process received letters by hand last week detailing the new names that are being proposed.

They'll get letters in the post during April asking them what name they prefer, and the results of that postal ballot will decide whether the new names go ahead.


Local councillor Pascal Fitzmaurice says the renaming of some areas has been needed for some time now because a lot more houses have been developed in the area and some confusion has arisen…...

"It was actually a very successful estate that was created by Roscommon County Council where they had seventeen local authority houses and they sold affordable sites where something in the region of 30-40 sites were sold to people to build their own house

We ended up in a situation where we had quite a number of houses which were of the same number, like two of three number ones, we had a one in one area, we had a one in the other area of an estate and we had a 1A so it became quite confusing."

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