
Former Green party candidate for the Shannonside region believes that this government will not deliver.

Aug 8, 2020 09:23 By Shannonside News
Former Green party candidate for the Shannonside region believes that this government will not deliver.
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A former Green party candidate in the Shannonside Northern Sound region believes the party has erred in going into coalition with Fine Gael and Fianna

A former Green party candidate in the Shannonside Northern Sound region believes the party has erred in going into coalition with Fine Gael and Fianna Fail.

Roscommon Galway candidate Julie O' Donohoe says she felt she had to resign from the party after being increasingly disappointed by votes and decisions Green TDs have taken as part of the new government.

Ms O' Donohoe had campaigned against the programme for government arguing that it would not deliver the environmental and social justice change required; she will now be part of the ‘Just Transition' Greens’.


She says that going into government with two conservative parties will not deliver:

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