
Further works to be carried out on ancient Athlone bastion find

Jul 22, 2022 17:23 By Shannonside News
Further works to be carried out on ancient Athlone bastion find
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The works on the flood alleviation measures in Athlone are being closely monitored by archaeologists

The remains of a wall found during flood alleviation works in Athlone could date back to the early 17th century.

That's according to archaeologist Dr Richard Clutterbuck who says further investigation will be needed to date the find properly.

The remains of the wall were found a couple of metres underground and its thought it might have formed part of the defences that were rebuilt in the late 16th and early 17th centuries.


The archaeologist says the site will be preserved when examinations are finished but it will be filled in again as well.

This is going to be carried out under Ministerial consent , because , as part of a town defence , it is considered a National Monument.

The archaeologists TVAS have made an application for doing a further assessment so they're gonna go back in and dig a few more exploratory test trenches.


We'll see if we can find out a but more about what this is , and exactly where it is and then once we know that information we'll be able to go forward and deal with it.



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