
HIQA inspection at St. Hilda's Services finds several areas of non compliance

Mar 27, 2021 08:42 By Shannonside News
HIQA inspection at St. Hilda's Services finds several areas of non compliance
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CLARIFICATION: In a previous version of this article, a picture was used of St Hilda's Special School in Athlone. Shannonside FM is happy to clarify that the Special School was not inspected by HIQA and is not under the regulatory scope of HIQA. St Hilda's Special School is fully compliant with all Covid-19 regulations for schools and a recent Department of Education inspection on March 3rd has confirmed this. Shannonside FM is happy to clarify this matter and regret any distress caused to parents or service users at St Hilda's Special School.

An overnight respite service for children living with intellectual or physical disabilities in Westmeath has had several areas of non compliance highlighted in a recent HIQA inspection.

St. Hilda's Services in Athlone supports overnight care for up to 4 children from the ages of 5 to 18 who live with intellectual or physical disabilities.

In a short notice inspection performed by the Health Information and Quality Authority, 5 areas of the service were classified as non-compliant with national guidelines.


While the Service was found to be substantially compliant in several areas such as risk management procedures and infection control, the inspector highlighted 5 areas in which operations at the site were non compliant.

The numbers and skill mix of staff in the service were found to be suitable and recruitment was satisfactory, there were no actual or planned staff rosters to organise who was on duty at certain times.

Staff at the centre were not trained in certain aspects of wheelchair use, while cover staff from another centre were found not to be properly supervised.


A range of good fire safety infrastructure and training was present in the service, however no fire drills had been organised to simulate night time or single staff emergency evacuations.

The system for managing and monitoring the use of medications required review to ensure issued medications were safe, with accurate record keeping.

Finally, devised behavior support plans were not monitored to ensure they followed guidelines and did not include the use of non-prescribed medicines.


The Service has engaged with HIQA and has put plans in place to address all issues highlighted in the report.

Statement from Principal of St Hilda's Special School Jennifer Moran :

St. Hilda's Special School is not governed by the HSE, it is a Special School and therefore is under the Department of Education.


HIQA have no affiliation with ST. Hilda's School. All inspections that are carried out in St. Hilda's School are carried out by the department of education inspectors only.

St. Hilda's Special School recently had an inspection under the department of education. This was SSP Inspection. 'Supporting the Safe Provision of School'.

The checks conducted during this inspection are based on the COVID - 19 Response Plan for the safe and sustainable reopening of schools.


The checks are grouped into four main areas:
1. Planning
2. Appointment of a Lead Worker Representative (LWR)
3. Provision of staff training
4. Implementation of control measures

Each main area has a number of checks; these are the specific actions that a school should take in relation to each area.

St. Hilda's Special School was fully compliant in all areas.

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