
Housing expert criticises new plans to convert office space to apartments

May 22, 2023 10:00 By Shannonside News
Housing expert criticises new plans to convert office space to apartments
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The plan is one under consideration by the Minister for Housing to tackle the shortage of housing.

A leading housing expert says plans to convert office spaces to apartments, is better in theory, than in practice.

The Housing Minster Darragh O'Brien is seeking to re-purpose offices, as many built during the Celtic tiger remain idle.

The Irish Times reports he's written to Minister Simon Coveney highlighting a 'potential over-supply', as fewer people work in these spaces.


Dr. Lorcan Sirr, Professor in Housing and Planning at TU Dublin says it's something which has been trialed elsewhere.

'It's hard to get natural light into it and there's all sorts of issues with fire safety and water.

It gets tried regularly and sometimes it works a little bit but it generally it's better in theory than in practice.


The UK have been doing it for years and the US, and it tends not to deliver, but knock yourself out Minister and see what it deliverers.'

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