
HSE not aware of swimming-linked illnesses in Leitrim

Jul 22, 2021 16:38 By Shannonside News
HSE not aware of swimming-linked illnesses in Leitrim
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It was feared that several people, including children, were sick after swimming in local waterways in Leitrim

The HSE says it has not been notified of anyone who has become ill, or any swimming-related illnesses after bathing in waterways in Leitrim recently.

Concern was expressed earlier this week after several reports of children of feeling unwell after swimming in undesignated waterways in Leitrim.

The local authority issued a warning that areas such as Dromod Harbour and Acres Lake should be avoided for bathing due to issues around water quality


Responding to a query from Shannonside Northern sound, the HSE says it has not been notified of any bathing-related illnesses in Leitrim.

They are urging anyone who does feel will after bathing to seek medical attention.

They are also urging people who do bathe in any waterways to wash their hands with clean water or use alcohol hand rub after being in the water or participating in water based activities.

  • Wash your hands with clean water or use alcohol hand rub after being in the water or participating in water based activities
  • Always wash your hands before handling food or eating
  • Do not swim or allow children to swim or play in water that looks dirty

When water quality does not meet Bathing Water Quality Standards, the following additional precautions should also be taken:

  • Obey all bathing water area signs - a warning sign that says do not swim means that there is a high risk of illness
  • Avoid swallowing water
  • Avoid swimming with an open cut or wound
  • Avoid swimming in water of doubtful quality if you are pregnant or have a weakened immune system
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