
Local anti-brexit group fear triggering of Article 16

Sep 5, 2022 17:47 By Shannonside News
Local anti-brexit group fear triggering of Article 16
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Liz Truss has been confirmed as the UK's next Prime Minister - after beating Rishi Sunak in the race to become Tory leader.

A Leitrim anti-Brexit campaigner fears Liz Truss may trigger article 16 of the Northern Ireland Protocol in the coming days.

The deadline for invoking the emergency clause is approaching in mid-September and JJ. O'Hara says the new prime minister's stance on Brexit could lead her to do so.

Activating the article would allow either side to take unilateral action if they believed the protocol was causing serious economic, societal or environmental difficulties.


Speaking to Let's Talk the Borders against Brexit spokesperson says if inacted it would have a detrimental effect on the economy on the entire island.

''From our point of view, we'd be very fearful that Liz Truss would trigger Article 16. We see the North at the moment like exports up, the economy's doing well. And it's all because of the protocol. But, you know, like this change again, her stance so far on Brexit would trigger it, and that's what we'd be very fearful of.'' 

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