A long-awaited MRI Scanner has arrived at Mullingar Hospital this week.
The friends of the hospital fundraised and provided for the machine which will be of benefit to the care of patients in the region.
It's expected the scanner will be operational in early Autumn.
At present, the HSE is spending over 50,000 euro a year on taxi and transport costs bringing patients to other hospitals for MRI purposes.
Chairperson of the Friends of Mullingar Hospital John McGrath is welcoming the news.
''Last year alone just on taxis they spent €55,000 transferring patients for MRI scans and that doesn't cover the cost of the nurse that might have had to go with them, and on top of that you had people who had to be brought by ambulance and on top of that more than likely having to wait in hospital for an extra day or two waiting for the tests now that's all going to happen in the building which will speed up bed turnover, staff usage and we'll be able to deal with children.''