
Longford bullock features on Dublin steakhouse menu

Jan 30, 2023 18:26 By Shannonside News
Longford bullock features on Dublin steakhouse menu
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The Longford steaks sold out rapidly at the Dublin eatery

A Longford farmer whose prize bullock featured at a top Dublin steakhouse in recent weeks says the "farm to fork" ethos is clearly something that people want.

John Kane from Ballinalee bought the bullock originally in Clogher in Tyrone and reared it until slaughter at just over two years old.

The animal won the prestigious All-Ireland Beef Bullock Championship in 2022.


John's brother Padraig from FIRE Steakhouse and Bar in Dublin decided to offer a special selection of steaks from the bullock at the eatery in recent weeks.

The Longford farmer says the idea was a huge success.

'It is a service that is badly wanted and I would hope that Irish Rail see that the numbers of people travelling on the trains has increased greatly , and that they will reintroduce this service, not partially, but fully, hopefully.


I fully understand that they're getting it hard to get staff, I appreciate that , but where there's a will there's a way, if they go about it and do it properly , the staff will turn up there and will be looking for the work.'



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