
Lough Funshinagh residents hopeful after discussion with European experts

Mar 22, 2021 17:22 By Shannonside News
Lough Funshinagh residents hopeful after discussion with European experts
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Residents are hopeful that a recent meeting with European experts will help progress plans to reduce rising water levels in south Roscommon

Lough Funshinagh residents have expressed their satisfaction after a meeting with a senior environmental expert from the European Commission last week.

Locals in the flood-affected area of south Roscommon engaged in an online meeting with a senior environmental expert at the EU last Friday to discuss the effects of floodwaters on the protected turlough.

The meeting heard that any solutions to flooding in the area will need to be designed so that the water level can be reduced, without any harmful impact to the plant and animal life in the area.


Geraldine Murray is a local resident and says eve it was made very clear that the proposed engineered solution being examined by Roscommon County Council make take too long

She told Let's talk that other options may need to be examined to speed up the process:


Flooding at Lough Funshinagh was also discussed at the March meeting of Roscommon County Council this afternoon, where a proposal to invite experts in flood pumping solutions to do a presentation to the Council was rejected by the Chief Executive.

Councillor Ivan Connaughton claimed that not enough information was being provided to Councillors and that he would invite experts to speak to the Council free of charge about possible pumping solutions.

However, the offer was rejected by Eugene Cummins, who claimed that no council official would 'waste their time' at a meeting to discuss the pumping of Lough Funshinagh.


Director of Services Shane Tiernan also outlined that due to a number of factors, pumping is not an option, and the Council is concentrating on a "long term solution" that will deliver a "long-term result" for the people and community.

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