
Man charged with assaulting elderly woman in Athlone appears in court

Jun 27, 2024 13:51 By Shannonside News
Man charged with assaulting elderly woman in Athlone appears in court
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Alongside the section 3 assault, Peter Keaney has now been charged with attempted suffocation contrary to Section 3A of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act 1997.

A Roscommon man charged with assaulting an elderly woman in a care home in Athlone has been further charged with attempted suffocation. Peter Keaney of 7 Hillside Close, Monksland is charged in connection with the attack on a 85 year old woman at the Sonas Nursing Home on the Ballymahon Road in Athlone, Co Westmeath.

The alleged serious assault happened on Monday the 29th of April, when a man used a backdoor to gain entry to the nursing home in the Athlone area. He made his way to the woman's room and attacked her, with staff intervening after they heard the scuffle. The woman, who is aged in her 80's, was taken to the Midlands Regional Hospital in Tullamore with non life threatening injuries. The 54 year old was arrested by Gardaí at the scene and has remained in custody since the incident.

Mr Keaney appeared before Judge Bernadette Owens in Athlone District Court again yesterday where Gardaí put an additional charge to the court. Alongside the section 3 assault, Peter Keaney has now been charged with attempted suffocation contrary to Section 3A of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act 1997. The case will return before Athlone District court next week.

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