A new housing development in North Roscommon has been given the green light.
County planners approved the application subject to 27 conditions.
The construction of 10 two-storey dwelling houses in Elphin have received planning permission from the local authority.
The type of homes will be a mix of detached and semi detached houses.
The project will also consist of the construction of all ancillary site works, including connection to existing public services and sewers.
Roscommon county planners approved the construction, but developers must comply with a number of conditions.
These include respecting Uisce Éireann's standard details and codes of practice during construction.
In addition, the applicant must liaise with the roads section of Roscommon County Council and the Boyle Municipal District co-ordinator to ensure all works relating to footpaths and parking areas will be undertaken to their satisfaction.
The applicant must also ensure that the public road and footpath remain free of debris.
Construction will be limited to 8am to 6pm on weekdays, 8am to 2pm on Saturdays, and no work is permitted on Sundays and public holidays, with strict policies in place for noise emissions.
A development contribution fund in the sum of €39,600 must be paid to Roscommon County Council towards the expenditure incurred.