
Official opening of refurbed Boyle Garda Station tomorrow

Sep 16, 2022 14:01 By Shannonside News
Official opening of refurbed Boyle Garda Station tomorrow
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The station has bene given a significant make over in the last number of months.

The official opening of the newly refurbished Boyle Garda Station will take place tomorrow morning.

A ceremony at the station will commemorate 100 years of An Garda Siochana with medals presented and a special plaque unveiled.

The ceremony will be followed in the afternoon by a special Open Day at Lough Key Forest Park where a number of the Garda National Units will be involved in displaying what they do.


Castlerea District Supt Tom Colsch says he's happy to say that proper public access is now restored at Boyle Garda Station after some months of interruption:

"The main works were carried out at the public office area and we changed the front facade and the public entrance to the station.

It's the first works carried out since the 1970s at the station so the people involved did an absolutely fantastic job.


Public access has been restricted over the past number of months so access will be increased as a result of this. and it will be far better for all concerned."

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