
Over 2,000 Gardai assaulted in the past seven years

Jun 18, 2023 11:55 By Shannonside News
Over 2,000 Gardai assaulted in the past seven years
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Shocking new figures show over 2,000 GardaI have been assaulted while on duty in the past seven years.

The revelation comes amid new calls for 'Bodycams' for frontline members of the force.

Fine Gael's Justice Spokesperson deputy Alan Farrell says figures provided to him show 2080 Gardaí were assaulted while on active duty between 2015 and December of last year.


That includes 509 in the Dublin metropolitan region...

Outside Dublin, Kerry had the highest number of assaults against Gardaí with 157 incidents.... 135 in Tipperary and 156 and 110 in Waterford and Galway.

Deputy ~Farrell says these heinous attacks show a steady increase in recent years.. with 186 attacks against gardai recorded so far this year alone...


He says these shocking statistics. reinforce the need for our frontline heroes to be protected and equipped with Bodycams - adding that its essential they are protected while carrying out their roles.

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