Over 70% of households across Longford and Roscommon are still reliant on high carbon fuels for home heating. The figure comes from a recent Liquid Gas Ireland report. Liquid Gas Ireland is a leading service provider that aims to tackle air quality, drive decarbonisation and achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The new report published analysed national trends in home heating energy sources. According to the data, 78% of all households in Longford and Roscommon currently rely on high carbon fuels including oil, peat and coal.
9,166 of households in Longford use oil for home heating, while oil is used by 14,636 homes in Roscommon. The number of homes using oil has increased by 2,374 across both counties since 2016. In Roscommon, 20% of households currently depend on peat, making the county the second highest user of this source in the country. Only 4% of households across both counties use coal as their primary energy source for heating. In 2022, Longford Town ranked as the fourth worst performing area in the EPA's Air Quality in Ireland Report. According to the Liquid Gas Ireland report, Longford's performance can be connected to the fact that 65% of homes in the town rely on high carbon fuels for home heating.