An Bord Pleanala has approved plans for a major housing development in Athlone.
576 new homes are to be developed at 17 hectare site beside the current Brawney housing estate. Planning for this development was lodged by Alanna Roadbridge Developments Ltd in February of this year.
A total of 285 homes and 291 apartments will be constructed as part of the plans with a new road linking the Ballymahon road to the Garrycastle Roundabout also part of the plans.
A previous meeting of the Athlone Moate M.D heard concerns over the size of the development and if the town had the suitable infrastructure to deal with such a large development.
Concerns were also raised how the town would accommodate the additional educational or service needs which would result from the development.
The planning authority approved the development on Tuesday of this week, subject to a total of 31 conditions - claiming that it would have a positive effect on the residents and the town of Athlone and would help increase housing stock in the area.
Just over 170 of the new homes will be made available as social housing, with over 400 to be retained for sale to the open market.