
Planning approved for re-development at Ballymahon dental surgery

Oct 16, 2020 10:28 By Shannonside News
Planning approved for re-development at Ballymahon dental surgery
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An Bord Pleanála has given the green light for a significant re-development and extension of a Ballymahon dental durgery. Well known dentists Francis

An Bord Pleanála has given the green light for a significant re-development and extension of a Ballymahon dental durgery.

Well known dentists Francis and Nim Rodrigues have been operating Excel Dental Ballymahon for over 12 years.

Longford County Council granted permission at the end of March but St Matthew's Park Residents Association appealed it saying it would create a traffic hazard if traffic from the new carpark to the rear excited onto their access lane.


The national planning authority has now upheld Longford County Council's decision but has stipulated that the new carpark must only be used for staff carparking and that all deliveries must arrive at the front of the building only in the interests of traffic safety.

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