An Bord Pleanala has upheld the decision to grant planning permission a major large-scale housing development in Athlone. The project consists of 332 residential units in the town and the application includes the provision of a two-storey creche as part of the development. It also includes a plaza to facilitate a neighbourhood centre along with 413 parking spaces, 225 bike spaces, electric car charging points and a bicycle storage unit. The project is to be carried out by Kildare-based firm, Akiyda Limited.
It has been the subject of a number of objections from the local community around the size of the development and its wider environmental impact. Westmeath County Council had granted planning permission year subject to 21 conditions. Conditions included a requirement to complete the project within a five-year timeframe and the lodgement of a €1.8 million development bond by Akiyda Ltd. The higher planning authority have upheld that decision subject to a number of revised conditions.