A planning application has been lodged seeking the construction of 42 homes outside of Longford Town.
The plans submitted by AMC Developments Ltd is calling for the homes to be constructed on the Connaught Road close to the well known former creamery building.
The application includes plans for the demolition of existing derelict buildings onsite and the proposed construction of the homes in that area. The units will consist of 14 three bedroom, two storey semi detached dwellings, 8 three bedroom, 2 storey terraced homes and 20 two bed terraced units in five blocks of four homes each. The development will use a proposed link road previously granted planning permission as part of a separate commercial development. The housing development will also include an Internal access road, green open space, boundary fence/walls and connections to the water networks of the town.
Longford planners will decide on the application in December.