
Plans lodged for new North Longford discount food store

Sep 7, 2023 11:04 By Shannonside News
Plans lodged for new North Longford discount food store
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Longford County Planners will decide on the issue at the end of October.

A well known international discount food chain is seeking to open a new store in North Longford.

ALDI Stores Ltd is seeking planning permission to construct a new 6.8 million euro foodstore in Granard.

The plans call for the demolition of an existing building, associated car park and boundary wall on lands on Barrack Lane in the town.


ALDI want to construct a single storey foodstore, including off-license, with a gross floor area of 1,832 metres squared.

The development would have vehicular/pedestrian access from Barrack Lane, 110 car parking spaces and 20 bicycle spaces.

The applicant also seeks the construction of an internally illuminated, double sided, free standing identification pole sign.


The new Granard store will create up to 30 permanent jobs if approved, with the German company hoping to open the store in 2025.

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