
Proposed housing development in Roscommon denied planning permission

Mar 5, 2024 13:46 By Shannonside News
Proposed housing development in Roscommon denied planning permission
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Roscommon county planners have deemed the housing scheme to be unattractive, which would not accord with the character of the area and would injure its existing amenities.

A proposed housing development in Co. Roscommon has been rejected by planning authorities. The submission was refused by both Roscommon county planners and An Bord Pleanála. The proposed development consists of the construction of 25 two-storey houses in the Kiltoom area. Roscommon county planners have deemed the housing scheme to be unattractive, which would not accord with the character of the area and would injure its existing amenities.

Additionally, An Bord Pleanála refused the application as access points along the N61 would result in a traffic hazard. The attachment of a Traffic and Transport Assessment Plan was also required alongside the application, which was not submitted by the applicant. The Environment department of Roscommon County Council criticised the application, calling for more nature based solutions for surface water management to be incorporated in the design.


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