
Reductions to Development Contribution Schemes in Leitrim

Jan 11, 2023 13:13 By Shannonside News
Reductions to Development Contribution Schemes in Leitrim
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Development Contribution payments are required by local councils as a condition of a planning permission

A new Development Contributions Scheme has been adopted by Leitrim County Councillors this week.

It includes the alignment of charges on rural dwellings being closer to their area with the levy for 60% of dwellings that are below 250sqm ranging from €2,000 to €3,750.

Urban dwellings will be €15 persqm or a €4,000 minimum payment.


Charges on Wind Turbines have been expanded based on height as well as output.

The scheme also sees reductions in contributions for residential/commercial developments in town/village centres, unfinished housing and car-parking in town centres.

Councillor Enda McGloin is hopeful these reductions will incentivise development.


'What Leitrim County Council executive and planners have proposed is a general reduction in development contributions.

I personally welcome that because we have an inflationary situation, unfinished developments for example, houses that have ran out of planning and require planning, will see a 50% reduction in proposed units to allow for completion.

I think there are nine such developments unfinished across the county and that will be welcome.


There's also a 75% reduction in development contributions for developments located within.'



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