
Report finds no affordable homes to rent in Leitrim or Athlone

Apr 7, 2022 14:02 By Shannonside News
Report finds no affordable homes to rent in Leitrim or Athlone
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The Simon Community carried out the study.

The latest quarterly Locked Out report by the Simon charity shows no affordable properties available for rent in Athlone or Leitrim for HAP users.

The report was carried out across 16 areas nationwide including Athlone and Leitrim and found only 80 properties that would be affordable to someone reliant on a HAP or Housing Assistance Payment.

It was carried out on the 14th/15th/and 16th of last month, and showed an average of 9 properties for rent in each area during that time, but none affordable for HAP users.


It showed only one, one-bed property in Athlone during that time, with a monthly rent of €675 euro, and rents ranging from €1000, to €1,600 euro for two-bed properties.

In Leitrim rents for one-properties ranged from €600 to €1000, from €875 to €1000 for two-bed units.

Wayne Stanley, Head of Policy with Simon says this latest report is very worrying and shows vulnerable people at serious risk of homelessness.


Over time we've seen the market get squeezed and squeezed and squeezed as as the HAP rates have not been increased in 2016. And in that time, rents have increased by more than 40%. And in that time, the number of landlords have started to leave the market and the number of the people who are moving on  into new properties are being able to purchase and freeing up private rented spaces.


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