
Roscommon Gardaí arrest motorist over drug driving concerns

May 24, 2023 14:16 By Shannonside News
Roscommon Gardaí arrest motorist over drug driving concerns
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Gardaí found the driver asleep at the wheel with the car parked on the hard shoulder of a national road.

A motorist in Roscommon has come in for a rude awakening after they were slapped with a court date for drug driving offences.

Roscommon Gardaí on patrol this week found a car parked on the hard shoulder of one of the county's national roads, with the driver asleep in the front of the vehicle.

After they woke the motorist, Gardaí administered a roadside drug swab test to the driver.


On completing the test, the driver was found to have tested positive for cocaine and Methamphetamine and was arrested at the scene.

The car was seized and the motorist will now face a day in court.

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