
Sharp increase in young people seeking mental health services in Roscommon area

Sep 20, 2022 13:54 By Shannonside News
Sharp increase in young people seeking mental health services in Roscommon area
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The increase is attributed to the 'double whammy' of covid and the cost of living crisis.

Demand for youth mental health services increased by 40% in the Roscommon area in 2021.

That's according to Jigsaw's annual report which reported a dramatic increase in demand for its services.

The group saw a 144 percent increase in users using their email service and 104 percent increase in live chat users.


Ballinasloe native and Director of Communications and Fundraising at Jigsaw, Mike Mansfield says more investment is needed in mental health services nationally.

"If we look more locally at our service in Roscommon, the demand was up by just shy of 40%. So we are concerned. What needs to happen urgently is an increase in investment in mental health services nationally. Currently 6% of the total health budget goes towards mental health and that's just simply too low".

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