
Simon report shows no available HAP property in two local towns

Apr 26, 2021 12:17 By Shannonside News
Simon report shows no available HAP property in two local towns
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The report reveals issues around affordable housing in the key towns in Leitrim and Westmeath

A new report shows a decrease in the number of affordable properties available to rent in two towns in the Shannonside region for people who receive the Housing Assistance Payment.

Simon Communities Ireland says just 72 apartments or houses were within the reach of those in receipt of the support nationwide in March - including just 29 across Carrick-on-Shannon and Athlone.

Surveys carried out across three dates last month reveal an average of just sixteen properties were available to rent in Athlone last month - a decrease of five on figures for December.


Rent for a one-bedroom property in Athlone ranged from 650 euro to 1,000 euro and there were no properties available within any of the HAP categories in the town according to the report.

In Carrick-on-Shannon, 13 properties were available last month - an increase of one on December's figures but none of the properties were affordable for singles, couples or families.

Wayne Stanley from Simon Communities Ireland says the country needs to address the issue of affordability in the housing market.



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