A nursing home in Co. Roscommon has received a glowing report from HIQA inspectors.
It follows an unannounced inspection in December 2024.
HIQA inspectors visited Sonas Nursing Home in Cloverhill, Co. Roscommon.
It is a two-storey designated centre comprising of two different units, which has 57 registered beds on the ground floor and storage and staff accommodation on the second floor.
The report outlined that the centre was found to be warm, cosy, and comfortable.
Safety was also a strong suit for the centre, as the outdoor courtyard and garden area were readily accessible and well-maintained, facilitating residents to go outdoors independently or with support.
HIQA inspectors noted that residents received medical care tailored to their needs, including wound care experts, and dietitians as necessary.
In addition, they were supported to access recommended vaccines in line with the national immunisation guidelines.
A number of substantial compliances were detected, in that a small number of staff had not completed food safety training, and some areas required supervision of practices.
Overall, the centre received three substantial compliances and eight full compliances.