A legal representative for the Derryadd Wind Farm opposition group says there are more strong arguments to be made if Bord Na Mona decide to submit a new planning application.
Gabriel Toolan was speaking in the wake of the news this week that Bord Na Mona has decided not to pursue an appeal to a ruling against the development last year.
A Bord Pleanala which granted permission for the 24 turbine development on disused bog land near Lanesboro decided at the end of last month they wouldn't appeal either.
Bord Na Mona has issued a statement today saying it remains committed to the development of renewable energy projects on its land bank, and wind energy in particular.
The Leitrim solicitor says the most recent case was won on a point of Irish law, but there are other significant arguments to be made under EU law also.
He was speaking to Anne Norris on today's Let's Talk show on Shannonside FM.