The Joe Finnegan Show featured the heartbreaking story of the bullying and abuse inflicted on 18 year old Eden Heaslip from Carrickaboy in Cavan, who died by suicide on September 20th.
On Let's Talk, MaryClaire Grealy speaks to Pamela Devaney from North West STOP, a counselling and crisis intervention service.
Pamela shared details of her own daughter's bullying and subsequent suicide attempts.
Pamela's daughter has gone on to third level education, receiving a HDip in Psychology and Masters in Neuroscience.
You can contact North West STOP;s Free Counselling Service by calling or texting 086 7772009.
Jim Maher with the Attic House Youth Service in Longford has spoken to Daniel Considine about the role community and the government need to play in tackling bullying.