
Nurofen cold and flu tablets most searched by athletes

Dec 28, 2023 08:00 By Dave Hooper
Nurofen cold and flu tablets most searched by athletes
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Sport Ireland reveals most searched for over the counter medicine by athletes

Nurofen cold and flu tablets were the most searched drug product by Irish athletes in 2022.

Athletes, need to be careful on which medicines they take as to ensure they do not cause an anti-doping violation. The details were revealled in Sport Ireland's Anti-doping report for 2022.

Each year, the Eirpharm website provides an updated Guide for Prescribers. In addition to a summary of the changes which may affect prescribers due to changes in the WADA (World anti-doping agency) list for that year.


Sport Ireland has endorsed the database as an accurate online source of anti-doping information in 2001 and since then it has grown to include over 3,600 medicines, both prescription and non-prescription which are marketed in Ireland.

Site users can query the database either by medication name or by ailment. Thus, allowing them to check specific products or showing them appropriate options for their condition based on the ailment selected.

The Eirpharm database will be replaced with a new Sport Ireland Medicine Checker website in 2023.


The 2022 Sport Ireland anti-doping report revealed that Nurofen cold and flu tablets were the most searched for item. Followed by Lemsip Max Cold and Flu. Nurofen Rapid Relief Maximum Strength Liquid Tablets came, in third place followed by ibuprofen 200 mg tablets and Nurofen plus tablets.

Therapeutic Use Exemption

A Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) allows an athlete to use a prohibited substance or method that is included on the WADA Prohibited List, subject to certain defined conditions.


In 2022, seven sports had TUE’s approved for competitors. Rugby accounted for five with athletics take two. The report reveals, five TUE’s were issued to athletes in other sports.

Whereas, two Post-Test TUE applications on receipt of a valid medical file.

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